Ramadan Readiness Course

Ramadan Readiness Course


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“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard against evil.” ~Holy Quran 2:183

“[Islam] heals both physical and spiritual ills by teaching what to eat, when to eat, what to think, and how to act.” ~The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Message to the Blackman in America, pg. 84)

The ISC Ramadan Readiness Course introduces students to the most profound institution of devotional practice  – fasting (sawm) during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Students will learn the objective and benefit of fasting to gain a deepened understanding of its benefits. Learn how to fast, when to fast, and manners of fasting as well as etiquettes and practices during the Holy Month of Ramadan:

  • Tarawih prayer
  • Last ten days
  • Night of Power
  • Eid Prayer
  • Eid Festival


Your course instructor and facilitator will guide you along the weekly units of study through a weekly live web classroom session, online resources and support your progress to achieve each objective with course exercises and drills.

Students must complete all weekly assignments before the next weeks lesson will be made available. Students that demonstrate course objectives upon completion of this course will receive a certificate of completion of this course.


  1. Learn the significance of the Holy Month of Ramadan
  2. Introduce student to the practice of how to perform the Muslim fasting rites
  3. Students will learn the social, moral and spiritual values of The Holy Month of Ramadan
  4. Learn the rules of the Ramadan Fast
  5. Introduction to the practice of Holy Quran daily readings
  6. Learn about Tarawih prayer and its importance
  7. Learn what is Laylat ul qadr and its significance
  8. Students will learn how to pray the Eid prayer and etiquette of Eid festival and poor rate distribution – sadaqa
  9. Learn what is Eid al Fitr and its significance
My Courses



  1. Holy Quran – Maulana Muhammad Ali Translation
  2. Message to the Blackman by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
  3. How to Eat to Live Book 1 & 2, by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad
  4. Religion of Islam by Maulana Muhammad Ali


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