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Prayers On Muhammad (Abraham’s Supplication)

Prayers On Muhammad (Abraham’s Supplication)

12 learners taking this course

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Course Description

Course Description

Learn recitation of Abraham's Prayer or prayer on Muhammad in your original language of Arabic. This supplication (Du'a) may be recited at any time and is the last recitation of the Muslim daily prayer services in the sitting position of all daily prayers.

This prayer is rooted in chapter 2, verses 125-128, of the Holy Quran. Audio & video recitations are provided in this course to assist and guide your pronunciation and memorization. Follow each module and lesson step by step before moving forward. Do NOT skip any module or lesson.

English translations (interpretations) vary for each publication used in this course. However, the original language remains the same and may have very small variations depending upon the narration transmitted in Hadith literature.

Listen and repeat recitations from provided audio and video guides until you are comfortable reciting on your own.


Message to the Blackman by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad pages 157-159

Muslim Daily Prayers by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, page 19

Muslim Daily Prayers: A Learner's Guide, page 53

The Restrictive Law of Islam is Our Success by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, page 34

A Manual of Hadith by Maulana Muhammad Ali, page 124