Muslim Daily Prayer - Learn The Muslim Daily Prayers in Arabic

Introduction to the Muslim Daily Prayer Service

Key words and Terms (English)


What does ablution mean?
A cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual

What does afternoon mean?
Pertaining to the latter part of the day.

What does allowed mean?
To give permission to or for; permit.

What does announce mean?
To make known publicly or officially; proclaim.

What does ascend mean?
To rise to a higher point, rank, or degree.

What does attention mean?
A concentration of the mind on a single object or thought.

What does beneficent mean?
Doing good or causing good to be done.

What does blessings mean?
A special favor, mercy, or benefit.

What does body mean?
The main mass of a thing.

What does bow mean?
To yield; submit.

What does call mean?
To command or request to come; summon.

What does ceremony mean?
A formal religious or sacred observance.
What does chant mean?
A short, simple melody, especially one characterized by     single notes.

What does communicate mean?
To impart knowledge of; make known.

What does concentration mean?
Exclusive attention to one object.

What does congregation mean?
An assembly of persons brought together for common religious worship.

What does contemplation mean?
Full or deep consideration; reflection.

What does cycle mean?
Any complete round or series of occurrences that repeats or is repeated.

What does dawn mean?
The beginning or rise of anything; advent.

What does direction mean?
The act or an instance of directing.

What does emit mean?
To issue, as an order or a decree.

What does evening mean?
The period from sunset to bedtime.

What does evolver mean?
To develop gradually.

What does exalt mean?
To praise; extol.

What does express mean?
To show, manifest, or reveal.

What does face mean?
The front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.

What does focus mean?
To concentrate.

What does fraternity mean?
A group of persons associated by or as if by ties of brotherhood.

What does glorify mean?
To honor with praise, admiration, or worship.

What does impurity mean?
The quality or state of being impure.

What does institution mean?
An organization, establishment, foundation, society, or the like, devoted to the promotion of a particular cause or program.

What does intention mean?
An act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.

What does language mean?
A body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation.

What does lord mean?
- A person who exercises authority from property rights.

What does magnify mean?
To extol; praise.

What does majesty mean?
Supreme greatness or authority; sovereignty.

What does mercy mean?
An act of kindness, compassion, or favor.

What does mind mean?
Intellect or understanding, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling and willing; intelligence.

What does night mean?
The period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.

What does noon mean?

What does nourisher mean?
To sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth.

What does obligatory mean?
Required as a matter of obligation; mandatory.

What does peace mean?
A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations.

What does petition mean?
A formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those making the request.

What does position mean?
A place occupied or to be occupied; site.

What does praise mean?
The act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation.

What does prayer mean?
A devout petition to God or an object of worship.

What does prostration mean?
The act of bowing.

What does purity mean?
Ceremonial or ritual cleanness.

What does rank mean?
A number of persons forming a separate class in a social hierarchy or in any graded body.

What does recitation mean?
The act of reciting from memory, or a formal reading of verse before an audience.

What does refuge mean?
Shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.

What does remembrance mean?
A retained mental impression; memory.

What does righteous mean?
Characterized by uprightness or morality.

What does rite mean?
A formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious or other solemn use.

What does sacred mean?
Devoted or dedicated to a deity or to some religious purpose; consecrated.

What does self mean?
A person's nature, character, etc..

What does servant mean?
A person employed to work for another.

What does significance mean?
Importance; consequence.

What does silent mean?
Making no sound; quiet; still.

What does step mean?
A movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position.

What does sunrise mean?
The rise or ascent of the sun above the horizon in the morning.

What does superogatory mean?
Going beyond the requirements of duty.

What does supplication mean?
a act or instance of supplicating; humble prayer, entreaty, or petition.

What does sustainer mean?
A person or thing that sustains.

What does testimony mean?
Evidence in support of a fact or statement; proof.

What does time mean?
The system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future.

What does tradition mean?
Something that is handed down.

(Next Lesson) Arabic Glossary of Terms of Prayer
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