The Great Fast of Ramadan

The Great Fast of Ramadan

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered this powerful message at the Final Call Administration Bldg. on December 3, 1986.

“If we do not have the will to challenge and overcome the enemies’ world we will be slaves our entire lives … and you will pass on that six slave mentality on to your children because can we turn our backs on every challenge

“How can you ever be a man or woman if you're not willing to even face small challenges?

“Everything of value there is a difficulty factor. If you think that it is easy when you reach the difficulty because of something you have not factored then you run away from difficulty and say, “oh I didn't want that anyway”.  Anything that is worth attaining in life you have to overcome difficulties to reach it. If you don't have the will to overcome you will never reach any objective in life. It is the difficulty factor that extinguishes the light of your own desires.” - the great fast of Ramadan



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